Letting Go Of Pictures And Surrendering To Peace

In this episode Poppy talks about how her inability to surrender and the longing to hold on and control so many aspects of her life caused her to have a physical and mental breakdown. Poppy shares with us how she thought that to surrender meant to give up but realised it is in fact the opposite.

In this conversation Poppy tells her story of becoming addicted to working and the drive behind the need to work. Poppy thought that working was the solution to her problems and that by working hard she would get what she wanted. It was only once she was able to surrender and let go of the ideals in her mind that she entered a state of bliss.

If you too feel ready to re-create your relationships or your life by breaking free of old patterns on a holistic level, across mind, body and soul, I invite you to order my book SURRENDER.

SURRENDER will walk you through a life changing process of maturation. Of breaking free of the vicious cycle of repeated stuck patterns, stories and belief systems, trauma and ancestral wounds.

It’s more than just a book. It’s a guide through a deep healing journey of SURRENDERING of who you are NOT so that you can unfurl into who you were BORN TO BE.

Order SURRENDER here