In this episode Nathaniel talks about how he surrendered to the cards he had been dealt and his commitment and dedication to his own maturation. Nathaniel shares his story of being adopted and the death of his mother and how the trauma he went through has made him the coach he is today.
In this conversation Nathaniel shares with me how he came to realise that the only thing he was afraid of was how uncomfortable he was in his body and that all healing is on the other side of being uncomfortable, which requires surrender.
If you too feel ready to re-create your relationships or your life by breaking free of old patterns on a holistic level, across mind, body and soul, I invite you to order my book SURRENDER.
SURRENDER will walk you through a life changing process of maturation. Of breaking free of the vicious cycle of repeated stuck patterns, stories and belief systems, trauma and ancestral wounds.
It’s more than just a book. It’s a guide through a deep healing journey of SURRENDERING of who you are NOT so that you can unfurl into who you were BORN TO BE.
Order SURRENDER here