Surrendering The Masks And Healing Codependency

In this episode Emmy talks about growing up in a family dynamic that meant she found her role as a healer or fixer. In line with this she trained as a psychotherapist, but her experience was that her clinical training didn’t really give her the tools to create real shifts for her clients. It was only when she continued to do the work on herself and saw how much of a role people’s reactions to trauma and the stories they subsequently created were fuelling their struggles that true healing became possible.

Emmy reached the point where she was tired of fighting to survive and realised that she needed to let go and surrender. When we resist what is and try to avoid the pain of our realities, we actually cement them even further. By surrendering we create the opportunity for a new possibility to unfurl.

If you too feel ready to re-create your relationships or your life by breaking free of old patterns on a holistic level, across mind, body and soul, I invite you to order my book SURRENDER.

SURRENDER will walk you through a life changing process of maturation. Of breaking free of the vicious cycle of repeated stuck patterns, stories and belief systems, trauma and ancestral wounds.

It’s more than just a book. It’s a guide through a deep healing journey of SURRENDERING of who you are NOT so that you can unfurl into who you were BORN TO BE.

Order SURRENDER here