We need to be willing to truly face and be with all that is present and dive into the complete unknown with the intention to forgive to come to a place of wholeness, freedom and peace.
- Forgiveness is not a place to get to – it’s the intention of bringing completion to something that is incomplete.
- What we’ve left behind may not be complete in our heart, mind and soul and if we don’t heal and release the pain within us, we start feeling stuck and our survival strategies get more intense.
- Forgiveness is so important because it allows us to fully and freely express ourselves in flow with our life force.
- Underneath all the resentment, anger and unmet expectations is heartbreak, which is the root cause of blame and powerlessness.
- I offer you a 4-step process to practice forgiveness to help you heal and create a feeling of wholeness and peace in your life.
- When we truly forgive and end the cycle, we don’t have to pass this pain and resentment to the future generation; we don’t have to take it out on our partners or on our bodies.
Forgiveness takes time and one thing to keep in mind is you may not be ready to love yet, but you can offer yourself compassion and understanding.
Thank you for listening. If you have any aha moments from this episode, please do share them with me. I love to hear about your healing experiences.