Aug 7, 2017
“Your mind will always believe everything that you tell it.
Feed it with life, feed it with inspiration, feed it with love”
One of the biggest culprits in modern day living , that is directly affecting our state of health and wellbeing… is poor and unadulterated boredom.
We’re bored with our jobs. Bored with our routines. Bored in our lives.
And when we end up in this resigned bored state of mind it affects our whole energy and state of mind. We end up eating when we’re not hungry just to fill the gaps of time. We zone out for hours on our phones. We watch endless hours of TV. All just to stimulate us through the time and space of our lives. But more and more feeding into this same energy of ‘just getting by’.
Do any of you relate to this at all?
Lately, I found myself getting caught up in this cycle. I didn’t know I was bored but I clocked myself recently and realised that whenever I had a free moment I was putting on the TV, watching endless episodes of Friends or zoning out on Instagram or even online shopping but filling up my basket and then not buying anything.
I was getting so tired from work and motherhood that the moment I got any time to switch off I just wanted to disengage in the quickest, easiest way possible. But I realised that this way of using my ‘free time’ wasn’t feeding me in anyway whatsoever. In fact, I was getting more and more disengaged and losing more and more energy like this so it was feeding the cycle in a negative way.
I realised for me that I was cravings inspiration. I realised that I was working so hard and using up so much energy being a mamma that my own individual self was getting bored and uninspired. So I decided to change this as soon as possible. I have made a commitment to feed my mind with only food that would inspire me and enable me to continue to grow in a more positive way. So I swapped the IG zoning out with listening to inspiring Podcasts. And I swapped the online news reading with some great and inspiring books. And I decided that if I was going to watch something I would watch something inspiring and uplifting that would teach me something new.
In essence, I was choosing to feed my mind with foods that were going to nourish my mind in a way that it would grow. Where I may learn new things, new skills and hear new inspirations.
After only 2 days of doing this, I have found my whole state ‘of mind’ has shifted. I feel excited, positive and inspired by life. Which is feeding back into my work and even in my relationship with my daughter. I feel more energetic and alive and I feel excited to when i can next have free time to do more of this. Making sure we are constantly feeding our minds with nourishing ‘foods’ is just important as feeding our body with nourishing foods. We are incredible beings that are just dying to thrive and grow and evolve and if we forget this and become complacent and resigned in our lives we get bored. And our mind becomes uninspired and shuts down.
So how are you all feeding your minds right now? Maybe you are someone that is constantly feeding your mind and this may not apply to you. But for those of you that are finding yourself getting bored and ending up numbing your mind out, how can you change your habits and introduce more nourishing foods for your mind this week?
Here are some suggestions that have helped me:
1. Meditation
Meditation helps to quieten an overstimulated mind which affects our whole body and energy. 10-20min of meditation each day will make a huge impact on how you feel in your day. Plus it will allow your mind to have a rest helping you feel more energised and positive within yourself. Try it out. Just sit and breathe or meditate for 10-20 each day starting today. If you need a little help you can use my Tuning in To You Meditation Video here.
2. Reading
I recently bought several books that were recommended to me that were aligned with my field of work and what inspires me in my life. And I am absolutely LOVING learning new things every time I open up their pages. Which is feeding me on so many levels. Here are some of the books I would recommend to help inspire your spiritual and emotional growth that you may enjoy too. But if not, choose whatever works for you – just let it be something that will teach you more than you already know:
– 7 Habits of Highly Affective People – Stephen Covey
– Wildflower – Drew Barrymore
– Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
– The Journey of The Heart – John Welwood
– Breaking Free of Emotional Binging – Geneen Roth
– Being Comfortable with Uncomfortability – Pema Chodron
3. Podcasts
There are so many incredible podcasts out right now that are just so easy and wonderful to listen to. My two absolute favourites for very different reasons are Yoga Girl’s – for general life peace and dropping more into my heart. And Mother Pukka – for general motherhood hilariousness.
4. Ted Talks
I mean there are endless amazing Ted Talks out there so please search and find the ones that you love. But here are my two absolute favourites:
– Stroke of Insight – Jill Bolte Taylor
– People Want Why not What – Simon Sinek
I hope that this has been helpful to all of you. Remember that all parts of who we are need feeding, not just our bodies. And making sure we are continuously feeding our minds is part of building a fully nourished and empowered life. So that we can continue to grow and feel inspired in our own selves.
Of course all of the suggestions I’ve offered above are inspiration to me personally but you are different to me. You may love art or poetry or fishing or travelling. So please listen to your own self and choose what inspires your beautiful, authentic, individual mind.
Love Nicky x
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