Some key questions that I speak about are: What is a blind spot? How does it impact our lives? How does it rob us of our power? What creates a blindspot? How to start actually disentangling a blindspot?
A blindspot is where we are unconscious to how our past is entangled with our present, and therefore having a significant impact into how we experience our life, how we know ourselves in life, how we identify who we are in life and how life shows up for us in relation to that identification.
As long as a blindspot stays unconscious, it will continue to have the power over our life. As our blindspot robs us of our power to create our lives, we don’t have the ability to make conscious change or conscious choices; to create a new reality. We will be unable to create a life aligned with what is true for us, what is authentic, nourishing, abundant and feeds our soul.
True power is where we get to have a conscious, alive relationship with our ability to relate and dance with life. Real power is our ability to impact the unfolding of our life in a way that is aligned and authentic to who we truly are. It’s led from a place of wholeness, not fear. It stems from a place of healing, wholeness, authenticity and truth, not fear, pain, lack and unworthiness.
We can’t see what’s generating how we experience what we’re seeing. The person seeing the piece of truth that is being revealed is getting the experience filtered through the blind spot. The present experience then gets entangled with that person’s past and that’s creating their perception of what they are seeing as real and true.
If this episode has resonated with you, I invite you to pre-order my book Surrender here:
If you feel ready to re-create your relationships or your life by breaking free of old patterns on a holistic level, across mind, body and soul, SURRENDER is THE book for you.
Please do share with me any moments of insight that has come up for you. You can share it in the comments or on my Instagram page. I always value hearing from you.