What if your fears were actually your biggest dreams?
As you scroll through this page and open up to the invitation to join us inside Listening to Life, we invite you to take a breath and to become present to the fears that may be arising within you. And the stories your mind may be telling you about why you shouldn’t or can’t make this happen…
“I don’t have the money for this.”
“Someone like me couldn’t ever do this or spend this much money on myself.”
“I’m not worthy of healing and being free.”
“This feels too scary.”
“This type of freedom sounds too good to be true. I’m not sure this is possible.”
“I’ve already done so much self development work, I’m tired of trying. Why would this programme be different? What if I end up in the exact same place again?”
“I don’t think I’m ready for this. Maybe I should wait until the right time.”
“What if I spend all this money and don’t get what I need or am looking for. It’s such a big risk.”
If you are experiencing any of this resistance or fear, you are not alone. You are human. And to feel fear arise when stepping beyond what is familiar is part of what it means to be human. It means you are on the horizon of big change.
What if all of these fears were just your mind trying to keep you safe? Keep you surviving? Keep you in the box?
What if your fears were your biggest dreams and desires?
Our fears are a guiding light for change. But collapsing into our fears means we stay right where we are. Only one choice will bring us the change we desire.
Almost all of our past clients experienced at least one of these blocks before taking the leap.
You are here to be free and this is what we dream of for you.
What if all the work you did up until now was leading to this very moment? Of discovering maturation coaching, a new type of coaching?…
What if this was the doorway to the freedom you’ve been searching and longing for your whole life?
What if now was your moment?
Imagine if you let this opportunity pass you by…
Imagine if you never experienced the level of freedom maturation coaching could bring to your life…
This is a new type of coaching. That serves every human being, no matter where they are or what their background is. Maturation coaching stands for real human freedom and if you’re reading this, it’s your time to experience this.
Book your discovery call